The Goals of ActualDesign
Exploring Your Truth
ActualDesign is a method which enables each person to determine their own truth, their own actual design for their life. It is not a religion, but shares with all the great religious traditions a foundation in wisdom, love, and goodwill. It helps to deepen the experiences that are the basis of spiritual seeking and faith commitment. It works with the inner Light and Fire that has been recognized for ages as coming from divine source: the Fire that frees and the Light that awakens, illuminates, and inspires.
Actual Self, Awareness, and Energy
Each member of the human family is a unique Being of Light. The initial training course in ActualDesign teaches the gathering and enlightening of awareness to enable each person to cooperate and coordinate with their Actual Self. In each session, an energy focal point is brought into manifestation as a light-fire energy tool directed effortlessly by thought.

Gaining Freedom
Light-fire enables us to win freedom from conditioning influences that separate the creation we are from the Creator Within. With training, you can distinguish between mind-created images of reality and the actual fact of it. With the aid of light-fire directed by thought, these false or distorted images can be dissolved, freeing the personality to then relate to the actual fact. The tools taught in ActualDesign give you the freedom to choose appropriate action in response to your external environment.

Higher Self, Higher Purpose
Each personality gaining this basic freedom knows their Actual Creator Self by direct experience. They then recognize the Actual Self of all others and, with effortless effort, can work as the Being of Light they are, with self and others. Thus, they are able to accomplish their higher purpose.
Teacher's Role
Your unique individual purpose is best revealed by direct experience with your Actual Self. Every great spiritual teacher has left the key message that what is sought by each seeker is within. However, knowing that one must go within is not enough — it is only the beginning step. A teacher is needed to mirror and amplify to you the power of the beauty, goodness, and truth of your actual nature. Your teacher can help give context and meaning to experiences as they arise, orienting you to their significance in your process of growth.