The Steps of ActualDesign Training
ActualDesign training proceeds in a sequence that reflects the natural patterns of awakening to one’s higher self and purpose that are at the core of all great spiritual paths. Each step adds to the previous steps and is necessary for the next step.
Experiences are usually subtle and growth is often not noticed until after the fact, but actually the student advances rapidly in a balanced and safe program. This becomes evident in growing inner peace and understanding, creativity, intuitive awareness, clarity in relationships, and effectiveness in daily life.
Initial Course
In the initial training course you learn, using the radiant awareness of your highest nature, to gather and enlighten the awareness that enables each person to cooperate and coordinate with their Actual Self. In each session of the first phase of the initial course, a new energy focal point is brought into manifestation as a light-fire tool directed effortlessly by thought. Each has its own specific practical and spiritual purpose.
The life-energies learned in this phase include:
- An energy for transmutation, to uplift low frequency states of consciousness and energy, such as depression, to higher states, such as happiness and well-being.
- An energy for healing and repairing structures of the body and of relationships.
- One for vitalizing and nourishing the nerve systems in support of better communication and perception.
- An energy that calms turbulent emotions within oneself and one’s environment, helping to bring peace.
- One for accessing one’s own higher wisdom and the source for knowing who one is and what is one’s own truth, enabling better problem solving and decision making.
- An energy that amplifies harmony and unity within any system, internal or external.
- One that helps to attract the supply needed for full creative expression.
- An energy for inner cleansing of that which is antithetical to health and clear understanding.
- A protective energy.
- An energy that helps reduce stress and provides comfort and nourishment.
Initial Course - Second Phase
In the second phase of the initial training, we explore how each member of the human family is a unique multidimensional expression of the Being of Light within them. Most aspects of our existence are either below or above the levels of which people are aware of themselves, so considerable training is required to expand enlightened awareness throughout these many dimensions and thereby bring about the consciousness and energy needed for constructive activity.
Advanced Training
There are four phases of advanced ActualDesign training. In each the student explores both higher and more deeply into their nature. They are introduced to greater orders of life-energy, the power of which increases the speed of their development. They discover more and more aspects of their own actual identity, their sense of purpose, and their own value and truth. They learn how to be more balanced in relationships. Their objectivity and sense of freedom of choice increases – whether to react as they have always done or to respond effectively and creatively in any situation.