The powerful introductory meditation technique which follows has been taught to thousands of people over more than 50 years. ActualDesign is a step-by-step process of enhancing and accelerating spiritual growth and enlightenment. Using ancient techniques in a modern formulation, ActualDesign works with inner “light-fire” energy tools and techniques to bring about the releasing of one’s potential for healing self and others, for creative inspiration and expression, and for problem-solving in many areas of life.
Founded in the early 1960’s by Dr. Russell Paul Schofield, ActualDesign — known as “Agni Yoga” or “union by fire”— for many years was mainly taught at centers throughout the USA. ActualDesign techniques were designed to be taught in person, but we have found over the past few years that they can also be taught effectively in remote learning situations. The introductory techniques presented here can be practiced from reading and then sitting down and working with them. More advanced lessons require working directly with a trained ActualDesign teacher.
ActualDesign teaches the following basic laws of energy, which express profoundly powerful inner truths:
- Awareness directs thought.
- Thought directs life-energy, and life-energy follows thought.
- Where there is pain, from mild to acute, the flow of life-energy is obstructed.
- Where awareness is focused, the power of life-energy is concentrated.
We can sum up these four laws in four simple words for practical application: THINK, LET, OBSERVE, and EXPERIENCE.
So when you are working with inner life energy tools, think of the energy once, then let it flow, observe it moving about, and with your awareness let yourself enter into the experience. As you become skilled at this directed “letting” you move into what we call “effortless effort”. How difficult is it to think a thought? Yet that is all it takes to begin tapping into your inner- light-fire energy. The key is knowing where to direct your awareness, and how to bring the energy from within out. The “how” is easy, once you stop trying to make it difficult.
Especially when you start out working with life-energies, it is best to be in a situation where you will not be interrupted. If possible, find a quiet, comfortable place to sit, where you can give this process your full attention for 15 to 30 minutes.
Sit in a comfortable chair, with your feet flat on the floor, your legs and arms uncrossed. (This can also be done lying down, but you might fall asleep). Rest your hands on your upper legs, with your palms down. Close your eyes, so your mind won’t be distracted by what is going on around you.
- Direct your focus of awareness to a place six inches (about 15cm) directly above the center of the top of your head. This is the location of a place in consciousness called “The Upper Room”. It is always calm and radiant, no matter what is going on elsewhere in your mind or body, or around you. Think of a point of pure, crystal-white light here. Don’t “try” to visualize it. If you see it, fine, but if you don’t, it doesn’t matter. As you think of the point of white light, it grows brighter, expanding into a little star, three inches (about 7.5cm) in diameter.
- Think and let the star burn away the veils that have kept it hidden all these years. Direct the star to open, releasing a downpour of cleansing and purifying life energy. This energy is crystal clear, like fresh spring water.
- Let the energy flow through your hair, scalp, into the bones of your head and face, into your brain, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, down the neck, through your shoulders, arms, and hands. Experience it flowing through your chest and back, abdomen, hips, pelvic area, upper legs, knees, lower legs, ankles and feet. Think and let the soles of your feet open, releasing the energy into the earth beneath your feet. Now it is flowing through your whole body.
- Think of the soles of your feet closing, so the energy begins to backfill up through the areas you have cleared out. Experience it in your legs, hips, torso, shoulders, arms, hands, neck, and head. Let it overflow out the top of your head, surrounding your body with an aura of crystal clear white light.
- Bring your hands together, almost but not quite touching, palms facing each other out in front of your body. Experience the energy flowing through your hands. You could use this energy to heal others, by laying your lighted hands on the person’s head, heart, or wherever they have discomfort. Whatever you touch with your hands lighted this way will be filled with inner light-fire-energy.
- If you experience discomfort anywhere in your body as you are working with the inner light, think of the “consuming fire” aspect of the energy. Hold the focus of it in the area of discomfort to burn through the obstructions to the flow of your pure life energy. Afterwards, take a few minutes to assimilate the radiant essence of the light into any area that you have cleared out with the consuming fire aspect.
In addition to your focused practice of the energy in a meditation as described above, you can work with the downpour anytime and anywhere, day or night, with your eyes open or closed, as appropriate to the situation. You can use it as an inner shower while you take your outer shower in the morning. Every time you think of the star and the white light downpouring, it continues for about 30 minutes. So you can literally fill your day with inner light. It’s also a great way to go to sleep at night. For stress-reduction it is best to practice the technique for at least a few minutes every day.
© 1993-2023 Bruce R. Jaffe/ActualDesign