When ActualDesign sessions are taught in person, this technique precedes each lesson, to enhance the experience of life-energy. If you had a good response to the energy work from the first session, you are no doubt ready to do this more subtle work with awareness. This can be practiced by itself, or as the beginning of a meditation session with light-fire-energy.
One of the most important aspects of the power to focus thought, and thereby to direct energy, is awareness. Where your awareness is scattered, your thoughts become scattered, and your energy also. As you learn to gather and enlighten your awareness, working with light-fire-energy becomes more powerful and effective. Furthermore, as you gather more awareness, you have more awareness available to expand. There is a big difference between scattering awareness and expanding awareness, as you will come to experience.
Awareness has three main aspects:
- Knowing Awareness – Which is your mental awareness, including thoughts, ideas, plans, and concepts.
- Emotional Awareness – Also called feeling awareness, including your emotional feelings of every kind.
- Sensory Awareness – Including sensations of every kind, perceptions, and perspectives.
The following technique is a way of gathering and enlightening your knowing, feeling, and sensory awareness. It is recommended that from now on you do this at the beginning of every meditation session, to amplify your experience of the light-fire-energy, and your ability to direct and focus the energy.
- Sit comfortably, with your feet, legs, and arms uncrossed, and your eyes closed. In time you will find you can also do this with your eyes open, but it is easier not to be distracted with your eyes closed.
- Think of your “Upper Room”, the radiant, peaceful place within your nature that is located about six inches (15cm) directly above the center of the top of your head. Although it is not within your body, it is within your energy field, which extends from 12 to 15 feet (about 4 to 5 meters) in every direction (spherical) around your body. The Upper Room is a source point for the Radiant Awareness of your Actual Self, also known as your “Higher Self” or the “Being of Light” that you actually are.
- Focus your attention in your brain. Think and let the knowing awareness in your brain-mind open to and harmonize with the Radiant Awareness from your Upper Room. With effortless effort, observe and experience the gathering in of your mental awareness. If your brain is chattering too much for you to experience anything else, let your brain shift out of the active “doing” role into the relaxed “being” mode. Continue this for about 1-2 minutes.
- Then shift your focus to the nerve cells and nerves in your brain. Most of the brain is made up of nerve cells. Direct the nerves to harmonize with radiant awareness from your Upper Room, and send Radiant Awareness flowing through your spinal cord, solar plexus, and out through all the nerves in your body, gathering and enlightening your sensory awareness. Continue this for about 1-2 minutes.
- Now focus in your heart and harmonize your heart with the Radiant Awareness from the Upper Room. From here it flows out through your blood and circulatory system throughout your whole body. Expand this focus to your liver, and from the liver Radiant Awareness moves to all the glands in your body. From this focus in the liquid systems of your heart, blood, circulatory system, liver and glands, experience gathering and enlightening your emotional or feeling awareness. Continue this for about 1-2 minutes.
- Now you have enlightened knowing, sensory, and emotional awareness. From here you can move with a flow of enlightened awareness into your Upper Room, lighting your Star and downpouring from it, as in the previous lesson.
© 1993-2023 Bruce R. Jaffe/ ActualDesign